Wednesday, 21 October 2015

My Personal Statement (draft)

My Personal Statement

Why I have chosen this course:

Music has been ever present in my life ever since I was a child in the forms of artists such as Marvin Gaye & Jaco Pastorius, amongst others. My passion to improve is what makes me want to take my next step in both progressing as a musician, as well as an artist & achieving the ambitions that I want to fulfill.

What have I done to demonstrate my passionate interest in the course subject:

I go see live music, I produce music at home away from my lessons, I collaborate with friends who also produce, send my own work to other performers & songwriters, as well as writing my own lyrics.

Opened up my ears. When I say that, I mean I've had a much more open and free approach to music by deciding to listen to different types of music rather than staying in a box of a few genres because you never know what you'd like as there are endless amounts of music to be heard. For example, if someone asked me what kind of music I listen to, I'd simply say "anything I can get my hands on".

How does my chosen BTEC course relate to my chosen university course:

My chosen course for university is also music production. My current course relates to my ideal one because I'm going to learn most of the things I'm currently learning but at an in-depth level and more "advanced" perspective. Essentially, my current course is simply a stepping stone for gaining knowledge & my goals.

What I have learnt from my interest & activities that is relevant to my chosen course:

I've learnt that you can never hit a peak in music & that you can only stop your own progress in many ways such as losing focus, exchanging passion for money, etc. Other than that, you can keep growing & growing.

I've only been to 2 gigs this year which were held at large venues: Flying Lotus at the O2 Brixton & the Megadeth, Lamb Of God, Children Of Bodom concert at the SSE Arena. Naturally, both of them were completely different in terms of music & performance simply because they specialize in different scenes & genres. However, the one thing I realized from both gigs is that I had a great time, spoke to amazing people I ran into during the concert and this helps me further pursue music because it gives me the thought of "I can be the source/reason for a good night, I can help bring people together & create new relationships, I can possibly inspire someone at one of my shows by playing the role of the soil so they can plant their seeds & grow".

What personal experience or ambition can I link to my chosen course:

My priorities are simple. I simply want to make good quality music that people actually want to listen to & leave my mark in music. However, through that ambition, I want to provide myself with food, water, a roof over my head and to lead a happy life.